Anita Hodosi Anita Hodosi

Different Paths

A million voices in vain

Yet, I only hear yours,

You speak my language.


I don't even exist;

Without you.


Perhaps your place is here;

For now or for good.

If on a sleepy morning,

You will be there by my side,

Our journey will come to completion.

When I close my eyes,

I'm starting to believe it.

Visions are almost tangible.

It will happen at some point.

A hug that gently leans over me;

For a short minute.


The eyes.

The meeting.

The world stops within.

I hear your voice,

You're only talking to me now.

I stopped looking,

Something found itself in yourself.


Different paths,

Will find each other again.

Not now, not yet.

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Anita Hodosi Anita Hodosi

The Book

You aren't there...

If you glanced into the book of my life,

You could see pages torn out.

You could see promises,

With blank space following.

If you glanced into the book of my life,

You would see that you are missing from it.

But I left a few lines blank, a few lines in advance;

In case there is a sentence about you.

I’ve been looking for you within myself in vain.

I have told you everything within me.

I haven't seen you, you haven't come.

You didn't feel it; it didn't make you cry.

If you glanced into the book of my life

you could write on the margins

You could write a word at the end

if there are no more pages left.

... The way you were supposed to be.


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Anita Hodosi Anita Hodosi

El Camino.

It is my Camino, my journey, and my life.

I'll do it the way it's good for me; that makes it perfect!

I came here with an intention, and I am working on it. However, other lessons showed up on the journey.

One of my biggest takeaway from this trip is that: IT'S MY EXPERIENCE; nobody else's!

In the beginning, I read a lot and listened to people about how the Camino should be done, what the rules are, and what makes you a "good pilgrim." As I started l, I felt uncomfortable and too much in my head because I had so many expectations for myself. Everything fell into place when I let them go and simply started listening to my body's and soul's needs. I am pushing my limits, learning about others, nature, and myself in a way best fitting for me. I am creating and following my own rules. When I need to take a break - I take it. If I can go more than I planned - then I push it. Trying the bike and the horses - why not? Let expectations and judgment go because you never know what someone is going through and why they are doing something. Be kind, understanding, and helpful towards others and yourself. Respect the way, the boundaries, and most importantly, be open to anything! Camino is Life! I hope to take home and integrate my newly found self- boundary/balance into my "normal" life! So much to be grateful for!

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Dominique Tetro Dominique Tetro

Flow Through Life.

We all sense that silent guiding voice of the self within, but not everyone dares to follow it.
Why? Because another voice speaks first and loudest; the ego.
A life guided by the ego might seem easier at first because our society is conditioned based on its essence: Fear!
However, when you learn to separate those voices, connect with your most authentic essence, The Self, and step on the path your heart shows you, you become like a bird flying through the air.
That's the journey we are destined to be on, the life we are here to live. 🎈

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Dominique Tetro Dominique Tetro

I love, therefore I am

The purpose of life is easy,
To Be.
The lessons are at their core are simple,
To shed every part of us that isn't love.
The tools are available,
The Heart.
Still, we tend to overthink every situation, fight with our brains, and try to understand others with our minds instead of our hearts.
The answers are always within,
Tune into your heart and hear it's whispers.

I love; therefore, I am.

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Dominique Tetro Dominique Tetro

Past Reflection…

"The reason you want every single thing you want is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But if you don't feel really good on your way to there, you can't get there. You have to be satisfied with what-is while you are reaching for more." — Abraham-Hicks.

It has been a year since I found my way home and cured my depression; that I wasn't even aware of having.

My only symptom was constantly looking for the next thing to make me happy: the next meal, the next workout, the next kiss, the following sex, the next sleep, vacation or shopping spree, etc. I avoided being in the now at any cost despite having a "perfect life."

After my experience with sacred plant medicine (ayahuasca) in Peru, I realized that my life only felt perfect because of the fantastic outside things I was so fortunate to have. Since then, I have lost most of them but won much more.

Mainly, I started loving myself and found happiness inside my heart! It is a journey; I won't lie. It's not all rainbows and butterflies! I have my moments when my ego gets triggered; I start aiming for someone's company or other external things. However, life always shows me its magical side. I see the signs the universe sends me, learn the lessons I need to know and understand that all I need is unconditional love as my guide. The rest isn't up to me. So grateful for my life now and forever!

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Dominique Tetro Dominique Tetro

Our deepest fear…

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

—Marianne Williamson

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